Homebirth has been about me taking ownership of my experience.
It’s about me believing and trusting in the innate wisdom my body has in growing and bringing my babies into my arms. Holding onto my power that is within me, mine, and no one else’s.
It’s about creating a birth space that fits me, rather than me trying to fit into a birth space.
It’s about learning to breathe, let go, surrender.
It’s remembering that there is purpose in the discomfort. Purpose in the pain, the stretching, the opening.
It’s about proving myself, to myself. Digging deep and giving more when there’s nothing left.
Four times now, with each birth of my baby I have been reborn, stronger, with more patience, more grace, more wisdom than before. A more empowered mother ready to take on the challenges that motherhood surely brings.
My babies were made within the walls of our home, they were born within the walls of our home, they are loved within the walls of our home.
For me, home has been the most empowering, spiritual, humbling, magical, transformative experience and I will hold the feelings felt within the walls of my home as I walked beside God to bring my babies earthside for my whole life.