welcome to
A safe place to land for the woman looking for a community of like minded mamas who
are living in confidence and independence in body, mind, soul and spirit.
I am a wife, mother to five, registered nurse, entrepreneur, professional baby wrangler and intuitive living advocate. My main goal in life is to create space for others to come and feel uplifted, educated, and empowered.
I want to help you take ownership of big life decisions, and little ones too. From the choices we make for our children’s health, to the way we choose to birth our babies, to the products we use in our home, my hope is that I’m able to make it just a little bit easier for you to feel confident in the everyday choices you make!
Let me guide you as you educate yourself. Let me help you feel every day empowerment. I want to help you tap into that God-give intuition, because I believe we have everything we need to help guide us, inside us.