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Homeschool: what I love ❤️

At the beginning of our homeschool journey I thought (like many do) I needed to replicate the classroom at home, but as it’s evolved over the last three years, what I love most about it, is that it looks completely different.

If the main goal as a parent is for me to teach my kids to thrive withoutp me one day, than what better way than to get them out into the real world doing real world things?

The world is our classroom. We learn together as a family as we explore and adventure, read, do chores, solve every day problems, prepare meals, bake, grocery shop + look at bank accounts.

When it comes to homeschool I love:

❤️ the flexibility + freedom

❤️ that I get to remain the primary influence in their lives

❤️ that I know exactly what they’re learning + I get to teach them what they need to know when I feel they need to know.

❤️ there’s no pressure or comparison or rushing from one subject to the next.

❤️ that I get to shield their hearts, minds, + bodies from so many of the negative things they may be exposed to in a group of peers and adults.

❤️ that I feel peace every day knowing they are kept safely in my care.

❤️ the freedom to pursue their individual interests.

❤️ watching them learn and learning right alongside them.

❤️ that they’ll be “socialized” not only by friends their age but also by the construction worker + the church leader, the landscaper, the piano teacher, the tennis instructor and the local farmer.

❤️ more time + more memories made together.

Being together with my people 24/7 is something I’ll say yes to over + over again. Creating a family culture where learning happens in front of a book and standing next to kitchen stoves and over baby bassinets; in the small every day moments, every single day. Where we’re learning together and serving and uplifting and cheering one another on. That’s the one I want to create.

And when it comes to priorities and checking boxes, teaching them to love to learn, to have an entrepreneurial spirit, + to love and follow our Savior are the only real ones I’m aiming for. Anything else is just icing on the cake. #erinshomeschooltalks


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